Hi gals
I really need your help!!! Angie Wenke of Heartland Graphics just made me this new banner and backround for my blog. The problem is I can't figure out how to put the new backround on the page. Does any one out there know how to do it. If so please help!!! Since I can't get the backround on the page I have been playing around with the colors all night. I am limited with the colors blogger offers so I am having trouble matching them up.
What do you think of these colors? What do you think of my new banner? Any help on placing my new backround on or suggestions on the colors would be appreciated.
Thank You gals for your help!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Help With New Look For My Blog
Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Great Big Thanks To Everyone
Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We all did we spent Christmas eve over at my sisters and Christmas day at my Mother in laws. All of my family got together at my sisters house we are an extremely large family I have 3 sisters and 1 brother and we all have lots of kids. We all had a great time you should have seen all of the presents in one house it's was crazy. We all got what we wanted from santa and more. I had the pleasure of having all of my family together for Christmas.
I just want to thank all of you for a great year and to let you all know that I have enjoyed all the wonderful friends I have met here on blogland and through my website and shows!!! It has been a very fun journey and I have learned a lot from all of you.
Just to let you all know I will be adding more raggedies and wood signs on my website soon. I have some new sayings for my signs that I think you will enjoy. I went out shopping today and I bought some very cute Valentine fabric.
I can hardly wait to use it and sew up some new raggedies for you all!!!
I was extremely busy this holiday season and I am sorry I was not able to add any of my raggedy ann dolls or wood items on my website. I now have everything under control so you will be hearing from me a lot more now that all that rush is over.
Oh I am still fighting this flu just when I think I am getting better it starts right up again. But I guess it might also be that it's been very very cold here and I just can't stay indoors and rest. I am very active and I cannot sit still even when I am sick, there is just to much to get done!!! New dolly and wood ideas and the list goes on and on.
Well I guess that's all my sharing for now. Feel free to comment I'd love to hear how you spent your Christmas Day. Oh if you have any ideas for some new raggedy ann dolls you would like to have me make just let me know. I am always open for new ideas from you all.
Thank You All,
Posted by
11:41 PM
Labels: Thank You Everyone
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Whew The Rush Is Over
Hi Everyone
I just got done with the last of my orders on Monday and shipped all of these raggedies out to there new owners. Some of them are going to be Christmas gifts.
This was a very very busy season for me but I did enjoy it. This is why you have not heard from me in awhile, no time to do any posting. Just work work work trying to get all my orders out and doing some craft shows.!!!
But it is over and now it's time to look at next years plans for My County Cottage and Raggedy Dollys. I have some new ideas for both my wood and dollys that I will be making for the new year. I have some cute Valentine dollys coming soon!!!
Oh and did I tell you after I shipped out the last of my orders I came down with the flu. How fair is that when I now have to get ready for Christmas at the last minute, like I do every year and I get sick. While it's raining outside and I still have to do all of my Christmas shopping and here it is Wed. already. I am trying to decide if I should go out shopping and risk getting worst or try going out tomorrow. I am stressing about getting everything done so I guess I will take the chance and go out shopping today!!!
I just wanted to share a photo of our Christmas tree with you all. Notice no presents under the Christmas tree yet! Yikes need to go shopping like now!!!
I had a Christmas decorating party with my kids and they all helped decorate the tree and house. We had a lot of fun doing it but they had to bear with my holiday music. I played it while we did the decorating, just to put us in a festive mood!!! We shared in the memories of each ornament, what it meant to each of us and who made it and the date it was made. You see I have all of my kids ornaments they made when they were young and we have fun unpacking and looking at them every year. They are so proud of there creations and that I have saved them all of these years.
That's it for now I really do need to go shopping!!!
Thank you for visiting
Posted by
11:13 AM
Labels: sharing
Monday, November 26, 2007
Pay It Forward

Come join in the fun and make the world a happier place. So this is how it goes...It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. So here’s how it works: I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! More than likely I'll get it made after Christmas and sent out early in the New Year. What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog to 3 diff people. Unfortunately this is only possible for those who have a blog."
So the first 3 people to comment and join in will get a handmade gift from me.... Ready, Set, GO!
Posted by
1:17 PM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Thursday, November 1, 2007
More Halloween Stuff
Hi Everyone
I just wanted to share with you all photos of my grandson Nicholas, my son just emailed these over to me. I did not get to spend Halloween with my grandson so my kids sent me photos of him in his costume. His a cute Lil guy you just can't see his face his got great big eyes and long lashes.
Here are his photos he was Spiderman:
Thank you for letting me share these photos with you.
That' all for now I have to get back to work, lots to do today!!!
Posted by
12:54 PM
Labels: Family Sharing
Happy Halloween
I had a great Halloween I spent it with my cutie pie granddaughter Ashlynn. We took her out trick or treating around the neighborhood. She had a great time, they were filling her pumpkin up with candy. Her first time out she was only 6 mos.and didn't know what was going on.
My daughter rarely lets Ashlynn have any sweets, so when she tasted her lollipop she would not let go of her pumpkin filled with all that candy. She would not let anyone have any of her candies. She is so cute!!! We all laughed at how she hung on to her pumpkin.
Here are photos of Ashlynn she was a cheerleader!!!
We had to run after Ashlynn to take these photos my daughter and I with our cameras!
Ashlynn was having fun making us run around after her to take her pic.
She finally stopped here and gave us a pose.
Ashlynn also had a couple of glow sticks she just loved those things. She was trying to open it to see what was inside of the stick very curious Lil girl.
I am sooo lucky to have them down the street from me.
That's all for now just wanted to share these photos with you. I am a very proud grandma as you can see!
Posted by
4:32 AM
Labels: Family Sharing
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thank You Everyone
Hi Everyone
Thank You for your support and emails during these trying times. You have made me feel a lot better through all of this. I have been so busy with this unexpected big problem with my website that I haven't had time to do a post!!!
The problem was worst than we thought for awhile we thought my whole website was lost. Then my webhost informed me that she had a very old backup of my website. So I lost eveything on my website that was added on this year, my dolls and wood items. While I was able to do a little updating to my website, but there is a lot missing on there. It just threw me all off, for the time being I will have to leave my website as is until I can work on it again later.
I have lots of orders to fill right now so I will be working on them. My orders are more important to me right now, so website needs to wait! I will be adding my dolls and wood products back on when I can. Just wanted to let everyone know I am still here and that you can continue to email me, with your orders for the products you have seen on my website in the past. I am working on some more dolls and some new Christmas wood items. I will post when I have them listed.
Well that's all for now just a short post to let you know things are looking a lot better now. I am not so devastated anymore by all of this, and I will survive it all!!!
Thanks again for all your friendly support : )
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: Website Info.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I Am Still Here
Hi Everyone
I am writing to let everyone know what is going on with my website and that I am still here. As you all have noticed it's down right now. Well there having a big problem with the servers and they are working real hard on getting us all back up real soon. I was told my website should be back up on Sat. I am hoping it is, it has been down way to long.
If you need to contact me for any reason feel free to email me Or you can call me at 951-609-0507
Sorry for any inconvenience this may be causing you.
Posted by
12:40 AM
Labels: Website Info.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sneak Peek And Sharing
I just had to share with you all this photo of my Lil Raggedies with real Lil shoes and anklet socks, they came out so cute!!!
These Lil Dollys sold out at the fair, but I will be making more. I will post when I have listed them over at my website.
Here is a photo of a Wood Witch Boot and Primitive Halloween Sign I have listed over at My Country
Cottage Go over to our Halloween section and take a look!
Here is a sneak peek at my Christmas Annie Ornies coming soon!!!
I have to share this story with you my hubby and I went over to Best Buy yesterday and purchased our first mp3 player. Yes I know they have been out for a long long time now. But I was always afraid they would be to hard to figure out and I just did not have the time right now (ever) to try to figure out something new.
Well we went ahead and bought one and I have to tell you it was not that hard to figure out. Even though the player came with really bad instructions and going over to there website was no help either. That was just to figure out how to use and charge the mp3 player. The salesman said all you have to do is rip the Cd's (we wanted to put our audio Cd's we just purchased on the mp3 player) to the windows media player and transfer to the mp3 player.
Well guess what I was able to figure it out with just that info. from the salesman, it was very easy to do. I just love that Lil mp3 player, to think we were going to buy a Walkman CD player to listen to the audio Cd's we bought. So glad hubby thought of the mp3 player, I never would have because of having to learn how to use it. Hubby is not good at all with electronics, so I have to be the one to figure all that stuff out for us. Our kids never have the time to help us, you know how that is.
Well I ordered one for me today I should get it in a few days. I have so much I want to put on mine I like to listen to Prim Talk Radio and it is hard because I am not always in front of my computer to listen in, but they let you download there program to an mp3 player now I wont miss a program. I can download audio's and music of course on it the possibilities are endless for me. I am going to have fun with my new toy it is a Sandisk Sansa mp3 player, I can hardly wait to get mine. My mp3 player has an FM radio and voice recorder built in, it also has a micro SD slot to add more GB to hold a lot more stuff if needed.
I got a better price ordering it from Buy.com they have great prices there. So if you ever thought of getting an mp3 player but were afraid they were hard to learn to use. They are not at all, if I can do it so can you. Sometimes you have to "Just do it" as the saying goes!!!
So back to working on my orders and getting ready for another show that's coming up way to soon!!! I need to build up more inventory Quick. I have a great friend Glenna that has convinced me in getting help for my business and not do it all myself. She has given me some good suggestions to help increase my production for this holiday season. So right now I am working on implementing her ideas which should increase my production. I will let you know how it all works out.
Posted by
1:02 AM
Labels: New Raggedies
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Pink Ribbon Raggedy Ann Dolls
Hi Just a quick note to let you all know about my new Pink Ribbon Raggedy Ann Doll.
Maybe you know someone in your life who has been diagnosed with breast cancer or someone who lost their life to this disease. All the women who face breast cancer inspired the making of these Raggedy Ann Dolls. With each purchase of one of these sweet Raggedies, I am donating 10% to aid in the research for breast cancer to this organization: http://www.breastcancer.org
She is listed over at Raggedy Dollys go over and take a look I think she came out so cute!!! I can hardly keep up with making these dollys since I introduced them over at the fair.
Well the Pomona Fair ended yesterday and was a great success for us we will be doing it again next year. It was alot of fun and I met alot of nice women at the fair.
Bye for now
Posted by
11:06 PM
Labels: New Raggedies
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Pomona Fair Raggedy Ann Dolls
Hi Everyone
I am so sorry it's been along time since I wrote a post here on my blog. I have been sooo busy lately. My friends and I got together and we have a booth over at the Pomona Fair this month it runs till the 30th of Sept. and started on the 7th.
Well I just can't keep up I have been selling my Raggedy Ann dolls everyday since the fair opened. I am up all night sewing away to have more raggedies for the fair.
The gals over at my stores are calling for more Raggedies too, so I guess no sleep for me for awhile. I will be drinking lots and lots of coffee and Tea till the season is over. LOL!!! The season won't be over for me till about a week before Christmas.
This is crazy time over here, starts about this time every year. But the rush is great and thats what keeps me going.
I am also selling these cute gingerbreads I made up for the fair. I also have them listed over at Raggedy Dollys
Here are photos of some of the Raggedy Ann Dolls I made for the fair aren't they just so cute? I really like the way they all came out!!! Some of my raggedies are wearing there Halloween dresses and some have on there fall dresses and I do have some with everyday dresses on.
I made them up in three sizes in a large, med and lil raggedy ann doll size. You can see in the first photo below all of the three sizes I made.
Right now I am working on my raggedies with Christmas dresses. I have customers at the fair asking for my raggedy anns in Christmas dresses so I will be taking some in for them. I guess it's never to early for Christmas.
If you attend the Pomona Fair come by for a visit were in Building #8 the holiday one with the snow in it. It's all set up for the kiddies to play in the snow even though it's over 100 degrees outdoors. Well it has cooled down a little, what a heat wave we have had, record breaking hot weather for us here in Calif. Sure makes it kinda hard to work under these conditions.
I will be adding my dolls with Halloween and fall dresses to my website soon, I promise!!!
I will post photos of my raggedies in there christmas dresses. So you can all see how they came out. I am also working on a new line of raggedy ann ornaments for your christmas tree. I will post photos when those are done, so far they are coming out cute.
I have a gingerbread girl dolly in the works she will have on a christmas print dress just like my raggedy ann dolls dresses, so cute!!! I have so many new ideas for this year, I will keep you posted on all of them.
Well that's all for now back to the sewing machine for me.
Oh did I mention I also have orders for my wood items LOL!!!
Posted by
11:05 PM
Labels: New Raggedies
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A Raggedy Ann Doll For My Grandaughter
I just had to share these photos with you gals they are so cute!!! When my granddaughter comes over to visit she gets so excited with all the dolls I make. One of the first words she said was dolls, she calls everything dolls. While I would let her hold my raggedy ann dolls for a few minutes and I would have to watch that she would not mess up the new doll. So of course that was no fun at all for Ashlynn, but she was glad to be able to hold them for a few minutes.
So I decided to make her a raggedy ann doll of her own, only it took me awhile to find the time to make one for her. Because I had to design her different that the rest of my dolls she is made larger and not stuffed so firmly so Ashlynn can hug and squeeze her dolly. Oh and I hand sewed each strand of hair through the dolls head and knotted each piece so when Ashlynn grabs her dolly by the hair as babies do the hair wont come off in her hand.
Ashlynn's favorite color is red so I made the dolls dress in red and I wrapped the doll in red wrapping paper to surprise her.
This is photo #1 where she started to unwrap the doll
This photo is where she is taking the doll out of the wrapping paper
This photo is where she could finally see her new doll was she surprised and happy!!!
Here she gives her new dolly a kiss. Notice that raggedy ann is almost as big as she is.
She is just so excited about her new doll.
This photo shows both Ashlynn's and her raggedy dolls face
Ashlynn sleeps with her new doll and takes her everywhere she goes. She just loves her new doll.
I have Ashlynn's raggedy ann doll listed over at my website if you would like to see the dolly go here Raggedy Dollys
I just had to share this with all of you it was to cute!!!
Posted by
2:27 AM
Labels: New Raggedies
Halloween And Fall Ladders
A quick post to show you some of my new Halloween and Fall Items I have been working on.
This photo was taken in my workshop just before I delivered these ladders to my shops. If you live locally you can find these Halloween and Fall Ladders over at any one of my three shops you can get the address to the shops over at my website on my Show page
You can find these Large Standing Birdhouses at my stores also!
We carry the birdhouses in different colors and sayings. So come on over for a visit if your in the area.
Sorry I cannot offer these on my website they are to big and heavy to ship.
I want to also let you know I have Fall and Halloween
Raggedy Ann dolls coming real soon. I have got the cutest Halloween prints for there dresses. I will also be introducing my new Cancer Awareness dolls. I will post all info on these new dolls later.
Posted by
1:19 AM
Labels: New Items
Monday, August 20, 2007
I've Been Tagged
While I've been tagged by Linda of The Best Free Craft Articles Blog
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write on their own blog their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Okay, here's 6 Weird things about me:
1.I keep a tablet and pen everywhere in my house(bathrooms included) and my car for ideas.
2.I keep my lists all over my dresser,computer desk and in my workshop.
3.I have a thing about buying anything that I can use to organize my stuff,than I organize and over organize my stuff.
4.I can't stand to see or hear someone spit-grosses me out bad!
5.I am fanatic about going to the movies and watching movies,I have a monthly pass at the video store.
6.I get fixated on something and have to stay there till I am done with it no matter what!
Here are the 6 blogs that I've tagged:
Niki's"Nikis Ventures Blog" (The Life Of A Quilter)
"Craft Apple Blog"
Gwen "Scrappy Angel Quilts Blog" (a blog of quilts, ideas of quilts, dreams of quilts and quilts to be)
Melissa "Little Wool Gatherings Blog" (woolgathering, noun. indulgence in idle fancies and in daydreaming)
Deanna "Domestic-Chicky Blog"
Kathleen "Coffee Mom Blog" (Life...One Cup At A Time)
Ok so now I am all done and now you all know a little more about me!!! This was actually a lot of fun to do LOL : )
Bye for now,
Posted by
10:15 PM
Labels: Tagged
Friday, July 27, 2007
Some More New Raggedy Annies
Hi Gals
This is just a quick post to let you all know I just listed a few more dolls on my website. They seem to be selling quicker than I can add them on. Here they are
you can see all these cuties over at Raggedy Dollys
I have to get back to work have lots of orders to fill today and more dolls to finish up for Raggedy Dollys. I am also working on new desigs for the holiday season for both my wood and dolls.
Just wanted to share with you all Lillys Craft Mall is offering free listings over at her website. Go over and take a look at Lillys Craft Mall I just thought this may be of interest to you all!
Posted by
1:05 PM
Labels: New Raggedies
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Special Order Raggedy Ann Doll
Hi Everyone
I have been busy lately but I wanted to share with you all, this Raggedy Ann she was a special order and she came out so cute in her black wool pigtails that I had to blog about her. She is over at Raggedy Dollys
So what do you think of my new dolly isn't she a cutie? Well I am getting more dolls made for my website right now and I am selling a lot of my wood signs over at My Country Cottage The stenciled signs seem to be very popular right now.
I have some great news my daughter, her hubby and my granddaughter just moved in down the street from us about 4 houses down to be exact. We are very excited I get to see my granddaughter daily even though my daughter was coming over almost everyday from where she used to live we are very very close my daughter and I. But I still have to do my work that I so enjoy so I will have to try and stay focused!!! Just kidding!!! I am very organized and have no trouble getting everything done.
I will post when I have put my new Raggedy Annies and some Halloween raggedies and Fall annies they will all be coming soon!!! I am also in the process of designing and producing my new fall wood products you will be seeing those soon also.
Well Goodnight I better get some rest I have another long day tommorrow. : )
Posted by
11:26 PM
Labels: New Raggedies
Monday, July 16, 2007
New Raggedy Ann Dolls
I just wanted to let you all know I just finished some new raggedy ann dolls today and I have just listed them over at Raggedy Dollys go over and take a look!
I have also added some more Prim Lights and Prim Items at My Country Cottage Go over and take a look!!!
These are a few photos of what I have added over at My Country Cottage!!! I will be getting more listed during the week!!! Oh I added a summer Beach House sign over at the summer section go take a look I think you will like it very cute with a flip flop on the sign.
Here is the photo I decided to put it on here so you can see it. There is lots more to see over at my website enjoy your visit there!!!
I will be adding more and I will let you know when I do.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: New Raggedies
Thursday, July 12, 2007
New Look For My Country Cottage
Hi Everyone:
Just a quick post to let you all know I gave my website My Country Cottage a new look. Hop on over to take a look. I felt it was time for a change, I really like it. Let me know what you think of the new look?
Bye back to work for me!!!
Posted by
6:23 AM
Labels: New Look For My Country Cottage
Monday, July 9, 2007
Lots And Lots To Do And Not Enough Time
Hi everyone
I have been so busy lately that I can't seem to get anything done. I have a lot of things going on right now that I am jumping around way to much!!! I need to stay focused so that I can finish everything I need to get done.
Like post on my blog, send out a newsletter this month didn't get one done last month, finish up the dolls I have going and photo for my website, list new wood items on my website the list goes on and on. Staying focused these days seems so hard to do. Especially when I take on way to much for me to handle, including playing with my two grand babies and Oh this heat wave is not helping any.
I want to do it all and I am way to organized so there is a lot of time wasted there. Oh my Raggedy Ann dolls are doing so well at the new store I can't seem to keep up there. I've been sending my raggedies there but I promise this next batch I am finishing up I will list on my website since I don't have any ready to sell on there right now. I will also be listing some new candle lights and signs on there. I will post and let you know when I have listed all the new items.
Off for some fun today with my two grand babies first stop is Toy R Us to exchange a birthday gift (he already had a basketball court) so now he gets to pick his gift from grandma. Oh need to stop by the post office to ship out some orders and maybe take the Lil ones to a movie we will be deciding soon when my daughter and her Lil one join us (my daughter in law, grandson and myself) she should be here soon. So I will close now need to get myself ready for our big day!!!
I will get some work in tonight so I don't get further behind than I already am. But that's OK it will be cooler and easier to work out in my workshop even though I have air conditioners out there. Need to do delivery's to all my three stores this week out of product there also.
Posted by
9:32 AM
Labels: sharing
Monday, June 25, 2007
My Raggedy Anns At New Store
Hi Gals I've been so busy lately that I haven't posted for awhile sorry for that!!! I was busy getting my dolls all set up at Creations 3235 Associated Rd., Fullerton, Ca. I told you I would post when I got my raggedy ann dolls in the new store, if you are in the area go in and see all my new dolls there. They have a very nice staff working at Creations and they would love to have you visit. I will post a photo of my dolls in the store later ( I forgot to take my camera with me) for those of you who can't visit the store. My raggedy dollys look so cute in the store the way they are being displayed!!!
My hubby and I went with our neighbors this past weekend up to Big Bear for an outdoor Jazz Festival it was great. It was held way way on top of the mountain that we had to take the ski lifts up to the festival, that was kinda scary especially when my hubby started rocking the lift to scare us more. We threatened to throw him off if he didn't stop it. Then they sat us on the side of a mountain, everyone had to be very careful or you could land up rolling down the hill. But it was nice, calm and relaxing up there. One of the bands there had a gal playing the sax, she really played good I never saw a gal play the sax before and play that good. She brought her Dad on stage to play a few songs with her (he was her teacher) so you know how good he was!!! We all had a good time out there. They also have a Jazz Festival on Catalina Island, were going there next I think it's in Nov. I have to find out the date.
I am fighting off a flu or something right now. With all that running around and everyone around me getting sick including my kids I was bound to get it. Even though I kept saying I am not going to get sick. Sometimes that works for me along with packing up with vitamins etc. But not this time, I don't think it's going to get me as bad as it did my kids (hope not) this thing last over a week!!! I cannot be down that long to much to do.
My son had a rattle snake come visit him by his bedroom yesterday when he went outdoors to sit on his steps. Oh what a scare for all of us, I thought he was yelling that it was in his bedroom, but he was yelling that it was beside his steps and scared him. When he sat down on his steps the snake jumped out beside him shakes his rattler and then jumped onto the side of the house and ran off. I just hope he kept on running down to the back of our property and is not hanging around the house area. Now when I go outdoors I have to look around to make sure the snake is not out there and I hope it doesn't bother poor kitty out there.
While I am going to try and get something done today. Don't know how much I will because I need to rest a lot between things I do. That's what I did all day yesterday!!!
Bye for now,
Posted by
9:31 AM
Labels: New Shop For Raggedy Ann Dolls
Monday, June 11, 2007
My Sugar Plum Craft Show
Hi I just got done doing my favorite craft show "Sugar Plum" this last weekend, it was another great show for me! Here are some photos of my booth at Sugar Plum.
I thought you might enjoy seeing my booth and all my new wood decor and raggedy ann products if you didn't get to attend the show. I introduced alot of new prim lights at the show they all got a great response. I will be adding them to my website soon.
I just cleaned out my special private patio area after the winter build up of stuff, that I plan to use to work in this summer the view is fantastic from there. I am surrounded by large trees and nature is all around me the birds build there nest in the birdhouses I have hanging in my patio. I can hear them singing away, we have rabbits and all kinds of wildlife running around our property.
It's very relaxing and peaceful out there. I thought I would take my laptop out there with me and listen to pandora radio or play a movie well I work. I don't think I will get much done but it will be a nice change to working indoors all of the time. I love being out doors with nature so I think this plan will do the trick for a change of workplace and a nice pick me up. I do get alot of new ideas well I am outdoors with nature, so watch out you never know what I will be coming up with next! I will let you know how it all works out.
Does anyone have a relaxing or different type of workplace they would like to share with us? I would love to hear your story post it here for all of us to read.
Oh and we adopted a stray cat that's been hanging around our property I think he likes it here or is it a she I don't know yet? We still have to name the cat but we have to find out if its a girl or a boy first. Any ideas for the cats name?
This was going to be a quick post but you know me once I get to posting I find I have alot more to say than I thought. I have got to get back to work! Lots to do, I have alot of new ideas going on in my head right now and am anxious to get started right away. Planning a sale of some kind not sure yet!
I will be adding new items to my website this week both wood decor and raggedy ann dolls and I will post here when I do.
Bye till next time
Posted by
9:43 AM
Labels: sharing
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Mom Pack
I joined a great community last week The Mom Pack which consist of a bunch of great women helping each other with there problems in business and personal life. There mission statement: Is to support our mutual goals of success through an innovative, free advertising partnership. They offer directory listings on there site, they have several groups you can sign up for to email for help and there is one you can list the ebay auctions you have running. So check out The Mom Pack They have already helped me with some of my questions I needed help with. Everyone is willing to offer help!!! I tell ya they are GREAT!!! I am glad I found them. : )
Actually my friend Linda Walsh told me about The Mom Pack Thank You Linda. I am making alot of new friends through my website, blog and communities everyone is so friendly and helpful!!!
I just listed some more signs and candle lights over at my My Country Cottage
you will find them under the prim and prim lighting sections there.
I am working on more dolls right now I will post when I have listed them on my website. That's all for now, I just wanted to share this bit of information with all of you.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: sharing
Friday, May 25, 2007
Rest And Relaxation Time I Needed
I took the time to just relax yesterday with a good movie rental. I just watched "Catch & Release" with Jennifer Garner. It was sad with a happy ending type of movie. I wont say anymore about it just that it was good and I really enjoyed it!!! I love going to the movies to relax and watch a good movie. That's one of the ways for me to relax since my workshop is on our property and it's very hard to seperate it from my personal life and stop working! It seems I am always doing some kind of business work as long as I am at home. Does this happen to you working from home? Have you found something that works and would you please share it with us? Leave us a comment.
I have some exciting news!!! I just got invited to sell my raggedy ann dolls through a shop out in Fullerton, CA. So you gals that have been asking me if I sell my dolls out in the L.A./Orange County area I will be soon!!! I will send an email out to you gals that have been asking and I will post here. To let you know when my raggedy ann dolls are all set up at the shop.
I also have been busy posting some of my wood signs on ebay I thought I would give it a try. I have some new sign ideas I want to try on ebay. I get very excited when I list an item up for auction to watch the bidding going on. You never know till the end what you will get for the item. Sometimes I am surprised at the end of the auction how much I got for the item. : ) I can't help it, it doesn't take much to excite me I guess!!!
Have A Great Holiday Weekend Everyone!!!
Posted by
9:07 AM
Labels: New Shop For Raggedy Ann Dolls
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
My Annie Show Girls
Hi just wanted to share with you some of my Annies I made for my friend Glenna to take to her show aren't they all so cute!!!
I had alot of fun making these cuties!!! I have alot of ideas for new styles for the annies and I got the chance to try some of them out on these annies. I got to dress them all differently. I handstitched all of them a different face and smile. I also gave them all a different hair style. It was fun to design them all differently. I will be making more of them soon, I have alot more ideas. I really enjoyed the chance to play!!!
This is a photo of some more Annies I just added to my website!!!
These Annies came out with the cutest lil faces and smiles!!! I am happy with how these all turned out. Click here Raggedy Dollys to go see them. These are my Annies lil sisters they measure 13" Well back to work for me I have alot of new ideas I want to get working on today!!!
Posted by
8:50 AM
Labels: New Raggedies
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Month Of May Wood Sale At My Country Cottage
We are having a month of May wood sale over at My Country Cottage go on over and see what we have to offer!!! Sign up for my blog and I will send you the newsletter with the code for the discount. The sale is for my wood items only the raggedy ann dolls are excluded from the sale.
I have added some new lil sister raggedy annie dolls
over at Raggedy Dollys Come on over to see them!!! They are so cute with there adorable smiles and cute dresses Oh and romper. Well as you can see I've been busy again getting you more dolls. That's all for now, it's back to work for me!!! I have a show to get ready for this weekend my good friend Glenna is taking my raggedy ann dolls to her show.
Talk with you all again soon!!! or should I say write to you all again soon?
Posted by
7:17 AM
Labels: Website Sale
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Busy Busy Fun Week
Well I had a very busy week last week and I will be having another busy one this week. I had two craft shows last week and lots of orders. My good friend Glenna took my raggedy ann dolls to her craft show and I sold out there. She is such a great friend, she is taking my dolls this coming weekend to another of her shows. So I have to make alot more dolls this week. I will be sewing away, but I do enjoy it!!! I will be listing more dolls soon. I just got done designing more new primitive raggedy anne dolls for you all. I will post here on my blog when I list them.
I took some time out Sunday and Monday to play. I had my lil granddaughter and grandson over on Sunday we watched videos together and played. My granddaughter just turned one year old last month. She just loves to dance whenever she hears music any music even the cell phone ringer will get her moving. She is so cute she just makes us laugh all of the time! My grandson decided it was time to spend the night over at grandma's house.
He is so cute the way he asks me if it's ok to stay with me. He will be 4 years old this month his a lil boy now not a baby anymore. They do grow so fast just like our own kids did. So I try to spend as much time with them both. On Monday we all went(daughter, granddaughter, grandson, and myself) to Toys R Us to get my two grandkids some new toys. We all had a fun day out shopping!!! Well that's it for now, just a little of whats going on over here in my part of the world.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Labels: Family Sharing
Friday, April 27, 2007
My New Very Prim Annies!
Here are my new very prim annie designs aren't they just darling? I just love how they all turned out! Let me know what you think?
I just listed these over at my site click here Raggedy Dollys
The third Annie is on page 2 take a look! Well that's it for now just a short note to let you all know there done. It's back to work for me, I am having a good dolly work day. Getting lots of dollys done today! Will be listing more soon, and I will let you all know. : )
Posted by
4:59 PM
Labels: New Raggedies
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
My Energy Balancing Day!!!
First let me thank you all for the great response to my new prim lights and fixins. I am so glad you all like them and are ordering some for your homes! You gals are keeping me very busy with the wood decor and the dollys. But that's all good!!!
Here's whats new around here I had my first Energy Balancing this weekend. My cousin came over and did it, she is a massage therapist and is taking a class for energy balancing. So I got extremely lucky because she came over to practice on me : ) What she did is pulled up all of my energy with a body scan using her energy to align and balance all the energy points on my body. While she is doing the balancing she also feels my energy and finds my trouble spots (my hands) and sees different colors in the process. I could actually feel the energy coming off the sides of both my hands, my feet and I felt it in my stomach area. I also saw different colors while she was doing the scan. When she was done I had a lot of energy for the rest of the day and for a couple days after. Have any of you ever had this done before? If so let me know how you felt and what you experienced going through the Energy Balancing. Everyone has a different experience and they see different colors during the balancing. It really does feel great!!! If you ever have the chance to do it try it you'll like it : )
Somemore new stuff: I just got done making these lil annie dollys and listing them over at my website! Go take a look Raggedy Dollys
I am also designing some very prim annies I should be done with them very soon! I will post about them when I am done with a photo of my new prim annies.
Oops I almost forgot to tell you I have been very busy getting ready for another show out in Ramona, CA. If your in the area come by for a visit and say hi we'd love to see ya!!! Go over to my show page for the address info My Country Cottage
Goodnight All!!!
Posted by
9:27 PM
Labels: Family Sharing
Monday, April 16, 2007
New Candlelight And Fixins
There here just as I promised you!!! I just added our new line of Candlights, Fixins and Candles With Fixins
Just click on My Country Cottage to go over and see all the new items I just added over at our website. I think you may find something you like there. : )
I will be adding more items and scents to my new line later in the week. So keep checking back!!!
Bye till next time and have a great day! :-)
Posted by
1:32 AM
Labels: New Items
Saturday, April 14, 2007
New Signs Listed On My Website
Hi gals I just listed alot of new signs over on my website. We are introducing our new line of Wood Block Signs on our website now! We introduced them at a show we did and had a very great response with them, everyone just loved them! These are just a few here in the photo below.Click On
mycountrycottage to hop on over to the Prim Section where you will find all my new signs. I will be adding some Candle Lights, Fixins and more Wood Block Signs here next week. I will let you all know when I have listed them.
I almost forgot I added a few more raggedy ann dolls Click here Raggedy Dollys to take a look!
Well thats all for now till next time. :-)
Posted by
4:11 AM
Labels: New Items
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter / Birthday Party
We did something very different this year we celebrated Easter on Saturday combined with my grandaughter's 1st birhtday. Here is her beautiful cake made special for our little princess!!!
All of our family came up to celebrate with us. We all had a great time especially my grandaughter I think she was overwhelmed by all the gifts she had to open. (lots of toys) Fun Fun Fun!
I was able to find a little time during all this fun and added a few more dollys on my website go check them out! I will be adding more later this week.
Bye till next time : )
Posted by
5:43 AM
Labels: Family Sharing
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Some More Dollys Added
I just got done designing these new dollys what do you think? I had this design in my head for awhile I knew how I wanted them to look and they came out exactly how I wanted them! I am very happy with my new dollys :)
Click here to go see them I will be listing more of my raggedy ann dolls tomorrow it just got to late to list them all today. I will also be adding more Signs, some new Candles lights and Antique Ball Mason Jars with stuffed hearts in them. I will let you know when I get the rest listed.
Good Night
Posted by
3:22 AM
Labels: New Raggedies